
The Wonderful Benefits of Walking

Walk. It is one of the most effective ways to maintain your overall health as you age. It provides a myriad of benefits both physical and mental. Grab a buddy and walk. It can be your spouse, your neighbor, your children, a friend, your dog (my dog is always ready for a walk) or any


April 13th, 2018|

Five Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

How to Recognize Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect Nursing home abuse or neglect is defined generally as any action or failure to act that causes unreasonable suffering, misery, or harm to the patient. It can include assault of a patient, but can also include withholding necessary food, medical attention, or physical care from the patient.


March 13th, 2018|

Alzheimer’s – Some Basic Facts

Alzheimer’s 101 – Understanding the Basics What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is defined as an irreversible, progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age. It is the most common form of dementia. What causes Alzheimer’s Disease? Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a generalized deterioration of the brain. The disease is caused


March 4th, 2018|

Advanced Care Directives: Essential to Your Care

ADVANCED CARE DIRECTIVES: ESSENTITIAL TO YOUR CARE Most of us don’t like to think about the possibility of something harmful happening to us or a loved one. Because of this, we rarely think about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones if the worst were to happen. However, just as it is important to


March 4th, 2018|

5 Things to include in your Estate Plan

Estate planning is important for people of all ages, but as we age, the need for planning becomes even more critical. Many people avoid estate planning, because they do not want to think about the end of life, failing health or disability. It seems people figure that they did not die today so they probably


February 26th, 2018|

Why Estate Planning

Why does anyone need an estate plan?  We all have some idea of what should happen to our stuff after we die.  A lot of people think "just let my spouse or kids have my stuff when I die." Some people think "I really don't have anything to leave behind."  Others figure that they will


August 22nd, 2017|


Antipsychotic drugs are known to have a number of severe side-effects, but they carry even greater risks for the elderly and those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, antipsychotic drugs continue to be used as first-line treatments for the control of challenging behaviors in elderly patients. A 2015 study in JAMA Psychiatry found that elderly patients prescribed


June 23rd, 2017|

Long Term Care Facilities

Long Term Care Facilities (LTCFs) which include nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, and assisted living facilities, provide medical and personal care services to people who are unable to manage independently in the community. Over 5 million Americans are admitted to or reside in LTCFs each year. Data about infections in LTCFs are limited, but it


June 23rd, 2017|

How Long Should the Nursing Home Charge After the Resident Has Died

How Long Should a Care Facility Charge After a Patient Dies? Authorities in the United Kingdom have launched an investigation after learning that some care homes are charging families for weeks after the death of an elderly relative. Some families have complained that they were charged for the time it took to rent the room


June 7th, 2017|

Financial Challenges for Seniors and How to Fight Back

Most of us look forward to a retirement filled with leisure and relaxation, but many older Americans are facing financial difficulties that are destroying their retirement dreams. One article addressed some of seniors’ biggest financial challenges and what they can do to fight back. What follows is a summary of the article. Historically Low Interest Rates For


June 7th, 2017|
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